Cancelation Policy

Refunds are subject to a $50 processing fee prior to February 2 at 11:59 PM ET. Sorry, no refunds after February 2, 2024.

Recording Policy

Recording Policy - NPIAP shall be the only body allowed to record NPIAP meetings. Meetings may not be recorded by any individuals or companies regardless of whether or not they are a Panel Member unless they are officially recording the meeting as an agent for NPIAP. NPIAP shall disclose to all participants that the meeting is being recorded.

Personal Responsibility Policy

NPIAP's priority in all meetings and  events decisions is the safety and welfare of our attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, speakers and staff. To enable in-person events  to take place with lower risk to participants, NPIAP currently requires all participants at NPIAP in-person meetings and events, to submit this signed Waiver and Acknowledgment of Personal Responsibility. Additionally, mask-wearing at NPIAP meetings and events is encouraged but will be optional.

NPIAP expects attendees to take responsibility themselves for following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on measures to reduce infection from COVID-19 and to protect against severe complications.  NPIAP urges all members to follow the CDC’s recommendation that everyone over age 12 receive the updated bivalent vaccine as soon as they are eligible to do so (e.g., 2 months past their last shot).  For more information, please review the guidelines at:

ttendees who are not up-to-date on vaccinations are asked to take an at-home COVID-19 rapid antigen test before traveling to any NPIAP meeting and should not attend if they test positive or have symptoms of COVID-19. NPIAP will not be requiring proof of these measures, however, but calls on the NPIAP community to act responsibly and with consideration for the health and safety of others.

NPIAP cannot be held liable for COVID-19 cases arising because of event attendance and will continue to require all attendees to sign a Waiver and Acknowledgement of Personal Responsibility upon registering for any NPIAP in-person meeting or event.

NPIAP’s Meetings & Events Entry Policy is subject to change based on COVID-19 community levels and any updated guidance from CDC and/or federal or state officials in localities hosting an NPIAP in-person meeting or event. Guidance on COVID-19 is continually updated, and NPIAP appreciates the understanding of its stakeholders as we seek to provide valuable, timely face-to-face programming while prioritizing the health and safety of attendees.

Antitrust Policy

The National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) is an independent  not-for-profit professional organization dedicated to the prevention  and  management of pressure  injuries. Formed in 1987, the NPIAP Board of Directors  is  composed  of leading  experts from  different health care disciplines--- all of whom share a commitment to the prevention and management of pressure injuries. The NPIAP serves as a resource to health care professionals, government, the public, and health care agencies; and welcomes and encourages the  participation  of those interested in pressure injury issues  through  utilization  of NPIAP  educational  materials, participation at national conferences,  and  support of NPIAP  efforts  in  education,  public  policy, and research.

The goal of the NPIAP is to assist health care professionals in reducing the incidence and prevalence of pressure injury. To achieve this goal, the NPIAP Board of Directors works collaboratively with the other major components of the organization including: The Corporate Advisory Council (CAC), Collaborating Organization Council (COC), Provider Organization Council (POC).

The COC, CAC and POC are a diverse group of corporations and Associations who support the NPIAP mission by providing both financial support and human resources and recognizes and acknowledges the prudent adherence to antitrust law among members of this group. It is CAC's policy to avoid any conduct or discussion that would constitute, or which could be construed as, restraining competition among competitors through agreement, understanding or otherwise, as to  the price, production, or distribution of their products, or other agreements which unreasonably restrict competition, or restrict the competitive capabilities or opportunities  of their competitors, their suppliers or their customers.

As unlawful agreements can sometimes be  inferred  from  circumstantial  evidence,  it  is  the intention of this group to avoid even the appearance of questionable activity. Accordingly, all CAC meetings of every kind including meetings of the members in person, via telephone, and teleconference will be conducted in accordance with the following procedures:

It is impossible to set out the exact permissible limits of discussion at a CAC  meeting.  Some topics, though, are absolutely illegal as discussions between competitors and must always be avoided. This list is neither exhaustive nor all  inclusive.  There will  be  no  discussion  at any time of:   

  1. Current or future prices, possible increases or decreases in price, standardization or stabilization of prices, pricing procedures.
    What constitutes a "fair profit level."

  2. Bid activities or procedures, or decisions to quote or not to quote product or service offerings, product plans, or design, production, distribution, marketing plans, methods, or activities including proposed territories and customers, and individual company statistics

  3. Costs, products, or sales volume, capacity, facilities, inventories, or changes in such;, allocation of territories or customers, boycotts, or market shares; particular competitors or customers

  4. Sales or production quotas

  5. Cash discounts.

  6. Control  of sales.

  7. Allocation of markets or geographical division of markets.

  8. Matters that might have the effect of excluding suppliers or customers, or influencing business conduct toward suppliers or customers or dealing with coercion  or the exclusion or control of competition.

  9. Warranties, guarantees, terms, including credit, shipping, transportation arrangements and rates or rate policies.

It is the policy of CAC and its members to comply strictly with all laws applicable to CAC's activities. Because such activities involve cooperative undertakings and meetings among

competitors, CAC emphasizes the ongoing commitment of its members to full compliance with federal and state antitrust laws. A statement explaining this policy is to be made available at all CAC meetings to remind each member of this commitment and as a general guide for our activities and meetings.

Responsibility for Antitrust Compliance

Each CAC member has an equivalent responsibility for antitrust compliance. Each business enterprise depends upon good judgment by all to avoid discussions and activities which could involve improper subject matter or improper procedures, or even an appearance of improper activity.

Since anti trust laws impose  severe penalties, including fines up to  $10,000,000 for corporations per violation and fines up to $350,000 and/or imprisonment for one year for individuals, CAC members should work conscientiously to avoid subject matters for discussion which may have unintended implications. Antitrust law also provides for treble damage awards. All concerned have an important and individual responsibility for assuring antitrust compliance in CAC activities.

Meeting Procedures

To avoid even the appearance of questionable activity, as well as to guard against inadvertent conduct, all CAC meetings shall follow these guidelines:

  1. A written agenda will be prepared.

  2. Accurate minutes of every meeting will be prepared, expeditiously sent to the participants, and approved at the next meeting.

  3. In case of doubt about the propriety of a topic of discussion, the matter will be tabled until counsel can be consulted regarding the appropriateness of the discussion.

  4. If a member has a reservation concerning remarks or discussion at a CAC meeting, officially state the reservation; if the discussion is not terminated or resolved satisfactorily, the concerned member should leave the meeting.

  5. Post-meeting chat sessions involving the discussion of business matters should be avoided.


These guidelines are intended to highlight and emphasize the commitment of this group to abide by the spirit of the law, and to set forth general, basic precautions designed to avoid not only antitrust violations, but any behavior which might be considered improper as well.

In case of doubt, seek the guidance of your own corporate counsel if antitrust questions arise.

(adopted 01/21/09)